Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Coming soon.....

So, here's a brief update. Since both Brad and myself lead busy lives, we've taken some time to work on our respective responsibilities. However, it came to a culmination when this past Sunday, we had our first filming session! We spent a good number of hours, there were some takes, some re-takes, and a couple more retakes.

And that's before the bottles got opened! Hehehe... It was something of a learning experience for both of us. But a good time was had! Brad also brought a friend of his, Ryan to act as a cameraman, so we had 2 cameras rolling. Got some good still photos. Then we got into the demos. *hic*. Just kidding. ;)

What did we try? We (meaning mostly me) tried a whiskey and a wine. I say 'we' because I did share (off-camera) some samples of what I was doing. Least I could do... 

We broke the seal (quite literally) on a bottle of Maker's 46 Kentucky Bourbon. And then broke the seal and popped the cork on a bottle of Peller Estates 2007 Pinot Noir. And I just started salivating at the memory of it. Hehehehe.....

Ok...I'll give you this little teaser. The Maker's 46? VERY tasty. Not at all your typical bourbon. VERY rich, flavourful, and obviously a different breakdown. It has  rich vanilla and maple tones, a hint of spice lingers on the finish, but whatever they did with the barrels.... gives it a really unique twist. ;) Highly recommend trying it.

So where are we now? We'll be filming a couple more episodes, and then a pilot. Then Brad gets to do the post-production work. The editing etc. In the meantime, I shall be 'shmoozing' vendors and sponsors who may be interested in participating and/or backing this venture.

So, stay tuned. Follow me on Twitter, ask me to join our Facebook group, or just read-up here. Whichever you prefer. ;)

Enjoy what you like, but whatever you enjoy, please do so responsibly.

;) Slainte!